Worth Future Design

Crossing Parallels explores the interaction between the basketry technique of hand coiling and 3D-printing. Both techniques build objects through the same construction principle, laying one filament—whether natural fibre or melted plastic—on top of another. By conducting material research at the crossroads between handicraft and digital craft, this project aims to contribute to a more nuanced definition of craft as collaborative practice. This research benefits from the contribution and technical mastery of basket weaver Esmé Hofman and 3D-printing artisan Joris van Tubergen. The goal is to give value to the collaboration beyond the production of the final object, to involve and challenge the knowledge of the craftsmen from the outset, and to encourage creative experimentation between the two techniques and between craft and design.

Worth video presentation Crossing Parallels

I’m glad to announce that our project Crossing Parallels will be part of the WORTH digital event “The Future of Creative Design” which will take place on May 11th and 12th. Find all the info and register for free here: https://bit.ly/3vhV8cE #WORTHFutureDesign
